Monday, August 16, 2010

Microsoft Word 2007 Find & Replace problems?

I am having problems with Microsoft Word 2007 whenever i try to find something in a document even though the word is clearly there it says that the word is not in my document

ex: Tom went to the store.

if i were to Ctrl + F and type in Tom it wouldn't pick up tom any help is appreicated

Microsoft Word 2007 Find %26 Replace problems?best antivirus software

When you press CTRL + F, and the ''Find %26 Replace'' box pops up, click on the ''More'' button at the bottom.

Are any of the Search Options, such as ''Match case'', checked? That could effect your search.

So, if your document has ''Tom'' in it, but you type ''tom'' in the ''Find %26 Replace'' box with the ''Match case'' option checked, it won't find ''Tom''.

If you are searching for ''Tom went to the store.'', MSWord will only find instances where all the words ''Tom went to the store.'' are ALL ON ONE LINE. So, if there's a place in your document that looks like this:

.....text text text text text text text Tom went

to the store. Text text text text text .....

It won't find ''Tom went to the store.''

Microsoft Word 2007 Find %26 Replace problems?firewall

Try clicking on the More button for extra options and select Match Case from the list.

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