Monday, August 16, 2010

Microsoft Word 2002 : Spell Check not working?!?

I have Microsoft Word 2002 and the spell check doesn't work. I've went to Tools%26gt;Language%26gt;Set Language. The spell check options are there. I've tried many other things too but nothing happens. Ex. When I type in a word like ''receeving'' or just ''hffaalo'' it doesnt have a red underline!? Why? It doesn't correct?! Help!?!?!?

Microsoft Word 2002 : Spell Check not working?!?agv

tools %26gt; options %26gt; spelling and grammar tab %26gt; check spelling as you type [鈭歖 %26gt; Ok.

Microsoft Word 2002 : Spell Check not working?!?antivirus software

Try using the F7 key to give it a kick. If that works, then I'd bet you have Check Spelling As You Type turned off. To turn it on:

1. Press the F7 key.

2. Click the Options button.

3. Check the ''Check spelling as you type'' checkbox.

4. Click OK.

Hope that helps.
Go into 'Tools', pick 'options', and click on the 'spelling and grammar' tab.

Click the checkbox 'check spelling as you type'.

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