Monday, August 16, 2010

Microsoft advises not to disable Error reporting messages?

I keep reporting an error message but it is always popping up in microsoft word. Once I have reported it, it goes away and does`nt appear for another few days or even weeks. Is it safe to disable error reporting messages?

Microsoft advises not to disable Error reporting messages?free adware remover

Hi, Yes its safe to disable them they are there to help microsoft find out what is getting an error so they can fix it. Also when you send the report it does sometimes show you the solution to the problem but yes it is safe. If you get an error just google it often is more help!


Microsoft advises not to disable Error reporting messages?internet security 2006

I think it is good to report it because then Microsoft knows what they need to improve if something keeps crashing, etc.
disable it, it wont be a problem.
The messages are not casuing Word to crash, as the name implies, it is only reporting the bigger problem.

It is safe to disable Error Reporting, it is simply a way for Microsoft to trouble-shoot and de-bug their software for free.
yes it is. microsoft are using us as testers and they base thier fixes on these error reports but it wont harm you or pc if you turn it off.

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